
Jun 20, 2022

I think most of us have seen variations of this booth neighbor.  All in good fun.  Enjoy.

[I did not create this video...merely sharing it.]

Jun 20, 2022

The Collective Consciousness of Jewelry Making

You know what’s worse than discovering someone out there is selling jewelry almost identical to yours? Finding out they’ve been doing it longer than you. 

Just goes to show that more than one person can come up with the same idea. 

Sometimes people think in similar ways.  It just happens.

There’s a thing called “multiple discovery” that is described as: “… the hypothesis that most scientific…

Jun 20, 2022

Pinterest and Your Website

Want to see what people are pinning from your website to Pinterest?  Put this URL into your internet address bar (but substitute the name of your website where it says “yourdomain”) and remove the space after the “h” at the start… I have those there so this won’t become a hyperlink.

h ttp://

I don’t think it works with Etsy shops, though… or at least I couldn’t get it to work with mine.  I used my…

Jun 20, 2022

Warning…. I’m going to do that soapbox thing now.

Wasted Energy

Stop spending time and energy worrying about competing with other jewelry makers.  Spend your time and energy on improving your work, your store, your listings, your audience.

First of all, it is a turn off to potential customers if you bad-mouth the competition… snarky, bitchy, whiny… all of it.  And guess what?  You NEVER KNOW where a potential customer is.  Anyone and everyone who sees…

Jun 20, 2022

What is Metal Clay?

(a non-technical introduction to the medium)

by Laura Bracken


Here are the basic steps involved when I create a piece of jewelry from metal clay.

First I’d…

Jun 20, 2022

Can you imagine going up to a jewelry booth at a show and saying to the artist, “You work really sucks.  These people around you are so much better than you.  You shouldn’t even be here.”

Pretty shocking, right?  I mean, even if you THINK it, you’d never SAY it.

But some people do say it… to themselves… on a daily basis.

It breaks my heart.

Ideally, we wouldn’t only NOT say these kinds of things to ourselves or to others, but we wouldn’t even THINK them.  (Yes…